Scholarship Opportunities

1st G members are encouraged to apply for various church-sponsored, family and organization scholarship awards. The eligibility criteria for each scholarship are listed on the application.

Please note: It is solely the responsibility of the applicant applying for a scholarship to ensure all required documentation is received by the application deadline. Late or incomplete applications are ineligible and will not be considered by the committee.


PURPOSE: The Eleanor Hutchinson family established the Eleanor Hutchinson Scholarship Fund to provide financial assistance for First Gethsemane Baptist Church members who are pursuing a degree at a two- or four-year college, university, technical or vocational school.


1. All recipients must be active in at least one ministry of First Gethsemane Baptist Church.

2. All scholarship recipients must have a cumulative high school G.P.A. of 2.5 (based on a 4 point scale) or higher.

3. All scholarship recipients must plan to enroll in the college, university, technical or vocational school of their choice on a full-time basis.


1. First Gethsemane Baptist Church members must submit an application to be considered for a scholarship award.

2. The deadline for submission of applications will be Sunday, May 19, 2024.

3. In addition to the completed application form below, the following should be submitted by all applicants:

  • Official copy of high school or college transcript.
  • One-page typed essay of your personal educational/vocational goals. Also, include any other information that would lend support to your application, i.e., community activities, volunteer work and clubs.
  • Letter from counselor stating that you have met all requirements for graduation.
  • Two letters of recommendation from individuals in the community. (No letters from 1st Gethsemane Church members will be accepted)

Click here to download Eleanor Hutchinson Scholarship Application Packet